Monday, 16 February 2015

20 Free PR online services (pt.2): results of distribution (only 5 left)

List of 20 sites I have used to submit my free press release is here (pt.1).

5 days have passed - time to share the results. Sites which have declined my PR was excluded: reasons of that was very poor and looks like more intention to switch on paid subscription.

I want to publish only but got Google indexing and placed to Google news and Bind news. 

By descending (top 5 free PR services):
pr newswire
1. (my PR) - best choice. After placement I got 1 e-mail from journalist who wants to write the news about project and 1 copy write of Spanish site.  
for: clients support, good distribution to Google news and Bing news
against: ugly looks of PR, no links

2. (my PR) - amazing service. Have no problem with supervising article. 
for: nice looking, easy to submit, nice statics, instant posting, page rank 6
against: no links, very quick ageing (300 views only)

3. (my PR) - nothing special
for: quick places
against: no index, no links, random tags

4. (my PR) - hard in all meaning
for: free publishing
against: ugly, stupid, over spammed by ads 

5. (my PR) - invite me to join and release
for: links (up to 3)
against: Page Rank 1

Summary: my free press release choice is and

Translated by best free online translation service

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

New Alternative of Google Translate: Finger Touch in a Focus

mobile translate  Mobile Translate provide free translation online browsing by phone, tablet, Mac or PC. Convenient and applicable from everywhere: traveling, business trip, university, home. Online translator can handle any direction: translate Spanish, French, German, Italian, Greek, Polish, Swedish and also translate Vietnamese, Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, Turkish, Norwegian etc. M-translate supports more than 40 languages and this number is growing. Design based on material fundamentals for intelligible understanding. First online translation service with round buttons and fresh colors. Symbol is bird to emphasize mobile orientation. Site loading test scored 98/100 points, from mobile devices 100/100.  Very strong competitor for Google translate in machine translation niche. The aim of m-translate is to help children in need: who exposed by violence, war, who suffer from different diseases – anyone can donate. Join, participate and share the innovation approach!

Dmytro Kokot, m-translate’s Team Lead, commented that:
m-translate is the result of two months of development a two people team only, but now being used in thousands of mobile devices around the word. This project is growing every day – people read about us and want to join.”

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

20 Online services to submit free Press Releases (pt.1) verified in 2015

20 Online services free Press Releases (verified in 2015
Today is the day! I have placed first press release of Mobile translate service into web.

Share with you the links I have used for free registration and submission (verified in 02/10/2015): - favourite, has 200k backlinks - horrible user interface - my registration still pending, but I believe this service need to be listed

Via contact form (directly to magazine contact form): - easy and good looking - ugly and bugged - weak and untrusted

Part 2 - results od submitting free press release

Monday, 2 February 2015

Online translation services review and comparison

1. Google translate. The most well-known and top-used service. Google makes it a part of main brand to boost his popularity.Interface style is called 'minimalism", buttons flat and above the boxes. Color scheme is light-blue. Bored and conservative. Works quick with lightning speed. Auto identification of languages. 80+ ways of translation, Total expirience is nice all but preciseness of translation not so good. Machine way of translation can't win vs human one.

For: simple and quick
Against: a lot of necessary buttons; preciseness of translation, bored and conservative
Total score: 4/5

2. Yandex translate. Company Yandex spent accept Google challenge and lose. Worth part is quality of translation. For example: "Distributed revision control" to russian doesn't work, but "Distributed control" - works. Design is good, grey but not bored. Buttons are yellow and hole picture looks very nice. What I really like - button's position in direction of translation. All things on their places. 40+ languages. 

For: good looking
Against: quality of translation, quality of translation and quality of translation 
Total score: 3/5

3. Translate.ruRussian oldest translator. 7-10 years ago was synonym of word "translate". Old but not old-fashioned. A large, coarse and clumsy like "Old Mammoth". For 2015 is like commissar Katani. Iphone doesn't like him at all. But like my friend says: "This is not ugly girl - this girl is for "special ones taste"". Huge plus is integrated dictionary to increase opportunity of translation.

For: integrated vocabulary
Against: ugly and retard
Total score: 3/5

4. m-translate - the new online translator, developed for mobile devices. On IPhone looks preaty good and IPad either. Design is huge advantage in comparison with others: fresh, nice, in teal-blue color scheeme. Buttons are round and special for your fingers. Nothing extra needed. I was also impressed by the mission of these guys. Quality of tranlsation - like others (machine). M-translate is the only that gives very positive impression of usage. Ready to reccomend.

For: ideal for mobile web, convenient, great design, round buttons
Against: machine translation
Total score: 5/5

translator online, mobile translate

5. The main specialisation is human translation: The last one - will cost some money. Design is bulky, scaled like bubble gum. Main specialisation infuence free machine translation. Not surprised because of bing engine. Very usefull for professional translation. 

For: can be scaled by window size
Against: bulky, cost money
Total score: 2/5

The winner is online translator m-translate
See you soon